Sunday, December 25, 2016

Severe Vertigo, TMJ and Treatment with Neuromuscular Dentistry: Video Testimonial.

Claress had a severe episode of Vertigo that the medical specialists were unable to treat.  She had undergone CAT Scans and MRI's.

Dr Shapira had previously treated her husband who credits him with his current quality of life.  Claress cam in to Dr Shapira who utilized ULF-TENS (ultra-low frequency TENS) and a diagnostic neuromuscular orthotic to stabilize her jaw and Claress saw her Vertigo disappear.  Dr Shapira utilized Computerized Mandibular Scans with the Kinesiograph so he could measure in 3 dimensions the corrections Claress required.

Watch Claress's Testimonial on Youtube:

The Trigeminal Nerve is key to successful neuromuscular dental treatment in the treatment of TMJ disorders, chronic daily headaches, migraines, eustacian tube disorders and of course vertigo.

Visit to learn more about problems treated in his Highland Park office.

Visit Dr Shapira's youtube channel for over 100 patient testimonials.