I have received several e-mails from patients who tell me that there are no dentists listed in their area. We will help you find a Neuromuscular Dentist in your area. I practice in Gurnee, Illinois and see patients primarily from Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. I can do some procedures and initial consults on TMJ disorders at the offices of Chicagoland Dental Sleep Medicine Associates in Skokie and Schaumburg but patients with difficult headaches usually need to come to Gurnee. My office is especially convenient for North Shore suburbs of Chicago as well as Northwest suburbs.
I teach a course in Dental Sleep Medicine to dentists from around the U.S. and my team can arrange for out of own patients who want to travel to Chicago for Neuromuscular Dental Treatment.
Neuromuscular Dentistry for Treatment of headaches involves at least two extended appointments at the start of treatment. Ideally out of town patients will spend three days to begin treatment. The first visit for local patients is usually a consultation we can start treatment for long distance patience if previous arrangements are made.
Following the consultation appointment, treatment begins at the first appointment with a comprehensive examination and neuromuscular work up. The diagnostic orthotic is deliverd at the second visit visit. Long distance patients actually have a full day of treatment (the equivlant of two appointments) with the appliance being delivered on the first day. The patient will be seen early the next day for correcting the diagnostic orthotic to rflect changes in posture as muscles continual to release and normalize. A second visit in the afternoon will often include nerve blocks or trigger points if there is still residual pain. Some patients will leave after the second day but I prefer to have their next appointment the morning of the third day before they go home. We will usually schedule the next vist for 2 weeks later but if pain is completely relieved we may postpone the next appointment.
All patients are different and bring unique challenges and treatment is adjusted to individual patients. Many patients bring their spouse to the first series of appointments though this is not necessary.
Diagnostic orthotics are used in phase I treatment. The diagnostic orthotic is meant for a few months of use decrese pain and stbilize posture. If the patient decides they are substantially improved we recommend a second phase of treatment for long term stabilization. Long term stanilization and permanent changes are usually avoided at the initial series of visits.
Long term stabilization can take many different forms but it is designed to maintain the relief afforded by the diagnostic orthotic.