My friend Curtis does an excellent job of explaining TMJ Disorders or TMD and how they are addressed with Neuromuscular Dentistry. I like to always refer to the Neuromuscular Orthotic as a Diagnostic Neuromuscular Orthotic because we use it not just to help in the diagnosis of a patients but to evaluate the new diagnostic position and the effect it has on body posture.
I am into fascinated with the science of TMJ, TMD and MPD and the postural effects of changing the bite. Curtis does fabulous job in explaining difficult concepts in a simple easy to understand and entertaining format. I enjoy watching his video every time I play it. There is an amazing body of evidence and science into his postural discussion that includes the work of Nobel Prize winning Sherrington and the work of Tallgren.
As a Regent and Secretary of ICCMO I am currently having the pleasure of reviewing his excellent mastership thesis of ICCMO
View his you tube video @
I am into fascinated with the science of TMJ, TMD and MPD and the postural effects of changing the bite. Curtis does fabulous job in explaining difficult concepts in a simple easy to understand and entertaining format. I enjoy watching his video every time I play it. There is an amazing body of evidence and science into his postural discussion that includes the work of Nobel Prize winning Sherrington and the work of Tallgren.
As a Regent and Secretary of ICCMO I am currently having the pleasure of reviewing his excellent mastership thesis of ICCMO
View his you tube video @