Thursday, August 27, 2015

Learn to Change Lives At ICCMO! TMJ, "The Great Imposter" Amazing Patient Testimonials Videos Describe How Neuromuscular Dental Treatment Can Eliminate Headaches, Migraines, Facial Pain and Neck Pain

Improved Quality of Life: These are actual patient testimonial videos of outstanding improvements in quality of life with Neuromuscular Treatment of TMJ and Pain Disorders. Hear about recovery from a patient a Mayo Clinic MD told her was hopeless.



    Every patient with chronic pain and every physician, dentist and chiropracto truly interested in changing peoples lives should plan on attending the ICCMO Meeting from October 1-October 4, 2015 in San Diego at the Catamaran Resort and Spa.

Integrated TMD Treatments: Solving CranioMandibular Dysfunction Head to Toe
Visit to learn more about the event.

Visit the ICCMO website at:

This year will be of special interest to chiropractors especially NUCCA and Atlas Orthoganol doctors, pain management physicians, physical therapists, sports physicians and more.

Patients who suffer from pain should encourage their doctors and especially dentists to attend.

Headaches and Migraines affect 25% of US households. At least 10% of the population suffers from chronic headaches. Dr Ira Shapira, a long time Highland Park resident founded I Hate to to help patients suffering from chronic migraines, sinus headaches, chronic daily headaches, tension headaches and TMJ headaches. Over 95% of all headache patients have Trigeminal Nerve mediated headaches. His premiere website has helped thousands of patients understand how the Trigeminal Nerve and the structures it innervates are responsible for the majority of all headaches.

Many patients think that TMJ (TMD) disorders are only treated with splints. Dr Ira Shapira utilizes a multifaceted approach to giving patients quick and lasting relief from their chronic pain. He utilizes Diagnostic Neuromuscular Orthotics and has over 30 years experience in Neuromuscular Dentistry. He trained with Barney Jankelson the founder of this field and with Bob Jankelson, his son. In addition to utilizing Neuromuscular Dentistry he is one of only a handful of practitioners to utilize SPG Blocks (Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks), Trigger Point Injections and Spray and Stretch techniques to treat Myofascial Pain and Muscle pain from Fibromyalgia. He trained with Dr Janet Travell who wrote the book Myofacial Pain and Dysfunction: A Trigger Point Manual.

The ICCMO meeting is a must for doctors wanting to truly help their patients improve their quality of life. Dr Shapira is giving a course on the developmental aspects of TMD, Sleep Apnea and ADD and ADHD. Early pediatric key can allow us to grow healthier future generations.

According to the Migraine Research Foundation
"Children Suffer from Migraine Too

Migraine is very common in children - about 10% of school-age children suffer.
Half of all migraine sufferers have their first attack before the age of 12. Even infants can have migraines. Migraine has been reported in children as young as 18 months. 
Before puberty, boys suffer from migraine more often than girls. The mean age of onset for boys is 7, and for girls it is 11. As adolescence approaches, the incidence increases more rapidly in girls than in boys. This may be explained by changing estrogen levels. 
By the time they turn 17, as many as 8 percent of boys and 23 percent of girls have experienced a migraine.
The prognosis for children with migraine is variable. However, 60% of sufferers who had adolescent-onset migraine report ongoing migraines after age 30. The prognosis for boys tends to be better than for girls.

Many if not most of these problems canbe eliminated or reduced by early intervention according to Dr Shapira.

This link leads to a YouTube Channel of Think Better Life Patient Testimonial videos.

Everyone with chronic TMJ pain, migraines, neck pain or facial pain should view these videos.

The Website for Dr Shapira's new Highland Park office is

According to the Migraine Research Foundation website:

"Migraine is an extraordinarily common disease that affects 36 million men, women and children in the United States. Almost everyone either knows someone who has suffered from migraine, or has struggled with migraine themselves. Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households includes someone with migraine. Amazingly, over 10% of the population - including children - suffers from migraine. That's more than diabetes and asthma combined! About 18% of American women and 6% of men suffer from migraine. Migraine is most common during the peak productive years, between the ages of 25 and 55."

TMJ Disorders have been dubbed "The Great Imposter" because the majority of patients are misdiagnosed or only partially diagnosed by the medical community. The Trigeminal Nerve is frequently called "The Dentists Nerve" because it goes to the teeth, periodontal ligaments,, the sinuses, the tongue, the jaw joints and jaw muscles, as well as the tongue, the tensor of the ear drum, the muscle that opens and closes the eustacian tube and a major contribution to the autonomic nervous system. The Trigeminal Nerve also controls the blood flow to the anterior two thirds of the meninges of the brain, or in simple terms the Trigeminal nerve determines whether you will have migraines. The Trigeminal Nerves or Fifth Cranial Nerves is also the single largest contributor to Chronic Headaches and Migraine. Neuromuscular Dentistry is extremely effective in eliminating and treating migraines specifically because of the trigeminal nerve connection. Neuromuscular Dentistry is specifically directed towards eliminating trigeminal nerve nociception or painful input to the central nervous system.

What the majority of the medical community does not know is that TMJ or TemporoMandibular Disorders can have effects on almost every system in the body. The NHLBI or National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the NIH published a report entitled CARDIOVASCULAR AND SLEEP-RELATED CONSEQUENCES OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DISORDERS that looked at the far reaching effects of TMJ disorders. The report recognizes the importance of "The masticatory apparatus is not only involved in chewing and swallowing but also in other critical tasks, including breathing and talking."

The NIH report also state, "TMD has been used to characterize a wide range of conditions diversely presented as pain in the face or jaw joint area, masticatory muscle pain, headaches, earaches, dizziness, limited mouth opening due to soft or hard tissue obstruction, TMJ clicking or popping sounds, excessive tooth wear and other complaints."

The report shows that 12% of the population suffers from TMD similar to the number suffering chronic headaches and migraines. The report has a major section on "The Craniofacial Complex and its Impact on Control of Upper Airway Resistance and Cardiopulmonary Function" The report covers the pathophysiology of sleep apnea which is implicated in morning headaches, fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. It is now well established that oral appliances are a first line approach to treatment of sleep apnea and snoring for mild to moderate sleep apnea and an alternative to CPAP for severe sleep apnea.

The Autonomic portion of the Trigeminal Nerve is a key cause and cure for migraines and headaches. This is because of its innervation of the meninges of the brain and its control of blood flow to the brain. The SPG Block or Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block is sometimes considered a miracle cure for migranes. The popular book "Miracles on Park Ave" dealt specifically with the high efficacy of SPG Blocks in treating pain. The new MiRx protocol ( that has been show effective for preventing and treating migraines is actually just a different method of utilizing the SPG Block. Dr Shapira has been teaching utilization of the SPG Block to dentists and other healthcare professionals for many years.

Learn more about SPG Blocks @ and at

The Mayo Clinic has also clearly stated the importance of the Trigeminal Nerve is headaches and Migraines "Although much about headaches still isn't understood, researchers think migraines may be caused by functional changes in the Trigeminal Nerve system, a major pain pathway in your nervous system, and by imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which plays a regulatory role for pain messages going through this pathway."

Mayo clinic also states, "During a headache, serotonin levels drop. Researchers believe this causes the Trigeminal Nerveto release substances called neuropeptides, which travel to your brain's outer covering (meninges). There they cause blood vessels to become dilated and inflamed. The result is headache pain."

These meninges are the Trigeminally innervated meninges discussed earlier and the serotonin and neuropeptides are the chemicals produced by nerve cells. These same chemicals are involved in TMJ, TMD and Migraines. The Trigeminal Nerve always utilizes these neurotransmitters not just for migraines.

Dr Shapira spent years doing research into sleep apnea and its connection to jaw position. His early research was done as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the 1980's at Rush Medical School in The Sleep Disorder clinic. He worked closely with Dr Rosalind Cartwright the acknowledged Mother of Dental Sleep Medicine. Dr Cartwright recruited Dr Shapira to return to Rush as an Asst Professor in the 1990's till early this century.

The connections between impaired nasopharyngeal breathing and development of ADD and ADHD in children was the topic of a recent lecture Dr Shapira gave in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The development of chronic TMJ disorders, headaches, migraines and postural distortions were all discussed at his lecture to members of ICCMO, The International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics of which Dr Shapira is a Fellow and Secretary. Dr Shapira is a representative from ICCMO to the American Alliance of TMD Organizations and current Chair of the Alliance of TMD Organizations.

In the 1990's Dr Shapira was a star lecturer for the A4M, The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine where he presented his work on the effect of TMJ disorders across ones lifetime. Premature aging and loss of memory and even dementia and Altzheimers disease are part of the same ongoing problem. Sleep Apnea and snoring are types of TMJ disorders according to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the NIH in their report: Cardiovascular and Sleep Related Consequences of Temporomandibular Disorders.

Dr Shapira has been utilizing a multifaceted approach toward relieving chronic pain associated with TMJ disorders for over 30 years and is now bringing his expertise to the North Shore Communities of Chicago. He created which addressed Sleep Apnea and snoring and utilizing oral appliances to treat these problems. He also created that focuses on many types of headaches and the role of Neuromuscular Dentistry in providing relief of these problems.

The DNA Appliance is offering a possible cure for sleep apnea and TMJ disorders by growing the jaws utilizing Epigenetic Orthodontics. Until recently it was believed these changes could only be accomplished through extensive surgical procedures.

Dr Shapira has also studied Cranial Suture Release techniques and Chirodontics. He inroduced these concepts to a Chiropracter who is his friend and colleague, Dr Mark Freund . Dr Freund has embraced these concepts in totality and has become an expert in these techniques through immersive studying both in the US and Internationally. His primary office is in Lindenhurst but he also sees Cranial patients in Gurnee in Dr Shapira's office

Dr Freund will be treating patients in Dr Shapira's Highland Park office. These techniques treat not only TMJ Dysfunction but also postural distortion such as forward head posture that leads to headaches and neck pain. These postural distortions can have negative effects throughout the entire body.

The NIH just reported over 25 million Americans suffer chronic pain or 11.2% of all Americans. See The Washington Post Story. ... onic-pain/

Dr Ira L Shapira created the I HATE CPAP ( and I HATE HEADACHE ( websites to help patients find help with these difficult medical disorders that medicine can frequently not treat adequately without a dental collaboration. Dr Shapira did research in the 1980's as a visiting assistant professor at Rush Medical School where he worked with Rosalind Cartwright PhD who is primarily responsible for the entire field of Dental Sleep Medicine. He also studied with Dr Barney Jankelson who created the initial concepts that neuromuscular dentistry still uses today and created a company Myotronics that is the leading manufacturer of instrumentation used by Neuromuscular Dentistry.

Dr Shapira is the current Chair, Alliance of TMD Organizations

Dr Shapira is a Diplomate of The American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, and a Fellow of the International College of CranioMandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO). He is a former national and International Regent of ICCMO, its current Secretary and the representative to the Alliance of TMD organizations or the TMD ALLIANCE has a general dental practice ( in Gurnee, Il and has recently started Chicagoland Dental Sleep Medicine Associates with offices in Vernon Hills and Highland Park. Patients in Northern Illinois or southern Wisconsin can contact Dr Shapira by phone toll free at 1-8-NO-PAP-MASK OR 1-800-TM-JOINT or thru his websites at or


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Why haven't I Heard of SPG Blocks Before?

The Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block has been used for while over a century.  So, why does it seem like nobody has ever heard of it until recently and why is it changing now.

According to an article in the Pain Practitioner in 2004, "Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blockade: A Review and Proposed Modification of the Transnasal Technique Report of Technique" by  Robert E. Windsor, MD, and Scott Jahnke, DO  the accepted uses of "the SPG block are sphenopalatine neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, atypical facial pain, acute migraine, acute and chronic cluster headaches, herpes zoster involving the ophthalmic nerve and a variety of other facial neuralgias. The mechanism by which intranasal lidocaine alleviates the pain is not fully understood, however it is believed to reverse the parasympathetic contribution to intracranial vasodilatation by blocking the sphenopalatine ganglion. It is not considered a first line treatment for low back pain, sciatica, arthritis, or angina despite several studies showing statistical benefit."

This article shows that there are a wide variety of accepted uses of the SPG Block.  The best selling book "Miracles on Park Avenue" basically described a doctor who utilized the SPG block on all comers for chronic pain with amazing results in problems like Fibromyalgia.  One problem  with the block was it used an aqueous solution of cocaine that is highly regulated by the DEA and only ENTs routinely used it in practice.

Sluder first used the term sphenopalatine neuralgia in 1909. He described unilateral facial pain associated with signs of parasympathetic hyperactivity such as mucosal congestion, rhinorrhea, and lacrimation. Many considered this the first description of TMJ disorders without the joint component.
TMJ Disorders are frequently referred to as "The Great Imposter" because they mimic so many other conditions.

 Precacci et al found lessening of trigger point pain following SPG blocks on patients suffering from complex regional pain syndrome. This effect on trigger points is without risk of side effects compared to new drugs treating Fibromyalgia such as Lyrica.  Fibromyalgia is not cured by SPG Blocks but symptoms are vastly improved.  The connection of Fibromyalgia to Sleep by Moldofsky firmly placed it as an autonomic nervous disorder.  The SPG Block is like a reset button for the sympathetic and parsympathetice components of the autonomic nervous system.

Boston University School of Medicine  utilized SPG blocks with topical application of 10% cocaine solution and found improvement in acute low back and musculoskeletal pain.  There was significant improvement compared to plcebo and patients also showed increases in mobility.

Cluster Headaches were shown to be aborted by Barre  in 1982( after the topical application of cocaine.  This was the first instance I found of patients being taught to apply the anesthetic at home.

Kittrelle et al showed in 1985 that lidocaine had equivlant effects to cocaine in aborting acute cluster headaches.

 Berger et al in 1986  used of 4% topical Xylocaine and found it equal  to 10% cocaine and better than placebo for the relief of pain in patients with chronic lower back pain.

The SPG Block is back after being utilized by only a small number of Dentists and Physicians for several years.  A small number of dentists became the became the defacto experts in utilizing this block.  I learned from Jack Haden in Kansas City initially but my friend Dr Barry Glassman and Larry Lockerman also increased my knowledge.  I became obsessed with the literature because my wife had frequent pain from endometriosis / Endomyosis and the SPG Block removed the issue of severe pain.  Later , after being diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer we again found SPG Blocks to be helpful in controlling the pain. (not the disease)

In the last few years three companies have brought devices to market to simplify SPG Blocks.  The TX360, the Sphenocath and Allevio all work by targeting squirts of anesthetic over the area of nasal mucosa covering the Ganglion.

I prefer the continuous feed method obtained with a hollow swab continually delivering anaesthetic over a period of time.  My preference is based on it being highly effective, and as  Barre found  in 1982 patients could be taught to self administer treatment at home.  This method is also extremely ineffective drastically lowering costs to both insurance companies and to patients.

When a patient is in the middle of a severe Pain episode the intra-oral injection or facial injection is most effective and will give the fastest relief.

I currently teach courses to Physicians and Dentists on administration of SPG Blocks.  I also teach patients how to utilize this excellent treatment to improve their quality of life.  When patients are in a doctors office their quality of life is lessened, when they can use SPG Blocks to turn of their pain without disrupting their lives the truly have an excellent treatment.

To learn more about treatment with SPG Blocks contact me thru

I utilize SPG Blocks along with TENS, Diagnostic neuromuscular orthotics, neuromuscular dentistry, trigger point injections, transcranial neurotransmitter modulation, spray and stretch, NuCalm and other techniques to restore quality of life as rapidly as possible.

Patient Testimonials are available on the ICCMO website:   and at

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